Detailing a $20 million McLaren F1 using Jay Leno’s car care products
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It’s been 25 years since the McLaren F1 first rolled into Jay Leno’s garage. It’s no garage queen though, and Leno takes it out on a drive quite often, at least once a month, according to him.
Even after all these years, Leno’s McLaren F1 looks in mint condition. However, it needs some TLC, especially the paintwork, which has swirl marks that need fixing.
In his latest video, Jay Leno takes us through the process of detailing his McLaren F1. Chris Walters and Jeremy Porazzo go over the process for keeping the hypercar as beautiful as it was on the day Jay took delivery, using ‘Jay Leno car care products’ available on Walmart.
What better way to promote your car care products than using them to detail your $20 million hypercar.