257 MPH Autobahn speed run in a Bugatti Chiron attracts govt. ire
The German government has taken note of Radim Passer’s 257 mph Autobahn speed run in a Bugatti Chiron. The Transport Ministry criticized the Czech tycoon’s stunt stating that it rejects road behaviour that could endanger other road users.
“All road users must abide by the rules of the road traffic regulations,” the ministry said. The statement also added a reference to the German traffic law, which states – “anyone participating in traffic must behave in such a way that no other person is harmed, endangered or obstructed or inconvenienced more than is unavoidable under the circumstances.”
Earlier this month, Passer had posted a video of his speed run on Youtube. The video, shot from an onboard camera, shows the Bugatti Chiron passing a couple of cars at extremely high speeds.
While there has been no indication from the government to introduce speed restrictions across the Autobahn network, there is a section, which wants an 80 mph speed limit across Germany.
Source: AP